Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Wonder Paws Rescue marketing!

This was one of the most fun projects I've ever worked on. It was really fun working with an actual company and have a deadline that was more than just a time to submit something for a grade. We worked with a 501c3 called Wonder Paws Rescue which is a nonprofit dedicated to pet rescuing. I knew I had  to work with them so me and my group of three others put together a campaign based around fundraising. We took inspiration from other successful pet rescue organizations: ASPCA and PetCo Foundation. Since our campaign had a basis in fundraising our products reflected parts of both the ASPCA and PetCo Foundation we believed would provide the most impact to appeal to our target audience. Both of the pieces I made we're made digitally and meant to be showcased on different platforms. This project was really important because it taught me time management and how to produce quality pieces within a set period of time. I will use what I learned about time management during this project during my portfolio project to aid in the making of it.

One of the pieces I made was the PetMatcher which would be on the website. Perspective pet parents can easily view pets that are available for adoption and view a short bio about the pets and swipe left and right based on interest. Swiping right would bring them to a more extensive bio and adoption information and swiping left would bring them to the next pet

The other piece I made was a postcard that can be passed out at events

We decided to stick with a clean look that still is fun and inviting. This postcard includes contact information and can be easily passed out at an adoption event so future pet owners can contact Wonder Paws Rescue when they are ready to adopt.

A Level!!

I can't believe it's time again to create another portfolio project and honestly I'm really looking forward to it. There's been a huge shift from AS to A level but I've enjoyed every minute of it. A level dives deeper and there is further analyzation of media as a whole than the analyzation of pieces of media. Watching full length films has helped me understand film as whole and how techniques work together in an excerpt longer than 5-10 minutes. I'm excited to use the information I learned to put together a portfolio project that reflects what I've learned throughout my two years of AICE Media Studies.

